Mittaltiger Enterprises

Our 18 Rules

  1. Keep Prowling - Actively seek new business opportunities and maintain a hunter's mindset
  2. Do Good, Get Good - Excellence and ethics in our work will naturally attract success
  3. Code Quality First - Every line of code should meet our quality standards before deployment
  4. Document Religiously - Maintain clear documentation for all projects, APIs, and system architectures
  5. Test Early, Test Often - Unit testing and integration testing are non-negotiable parts of development
  6. Respect Deadlines - Communicate early if you anticipate delays; no surprises
  7. Security By Design - Implement security measures from the project's inception, not as an afterthought
  8. Clean Code Principle - Write code that others can easily read and maintain
  9. Continuous Learning - Dedicate time each week to learning new technologies and best practices
  10. Collaborative Problem-Solving - Share challenges with the team; two minds are better than one
  11. Version Control Discipline - Maintain clear commit messages and follow branching strategies
  12. Client Communication Excellence - Keep clients informed with regular, clear updates
  13. Performance Optimization - Consider scalability and performance in every development decision
  14. Code Review Culture - All code changes must undergo peer review before merging
  15. Knowledge Sharing - Regular team sessions to share learnings and best practices
  16. Technical Debt Management - Address technical debt regularly; don't let it accumulate
  17. Innovation Focus - Encourage new ideas and approaches to problem-solving
  18. Ethical Development - Create software that respects user privacy and data protection